isaaclab_mimic.datagen.waypoint 源代码

# Copyright (c) 2024-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

A collection of classes used to represent waypoints and trajectories.
import asyncio
import torch
from copy import deepcopy

import isaaclab.utils.math as PoseUtils

[文档]class Waypoint: """ Represents a single desired 6-DoF waypoint, along with corresponding gripper actuation for this point. """
[文档] def __init__(self, eef_names, pose, gripper_action, noise=None): """ Args: pose (torch.Tensor): 4x4 pose target for robot controller gripper_action (torch.Tensor): gripper action for robot controller noise (float or None): action noise amplitude to apply during execution at this timestep (for arm actions, not gripper actions) """ self.eef_names = eef_names self.pose = pose self.gripper_action = gripper_action self.noise = noise
def __str__(self): """String representation of the waypoint.""" return f"Waypoint:\n Pose:\n{self.pose}\n"
[文档]class WaypointSequence: """ Represents a sequence of Waypoint objects. """
[文档] def __init__(self, sequence=None): """ Args: sequence (list or None): if provided, should be a list of Waypoint objects """ if sequence is None: self.sequence = [] else: for waypoint in sequence: assert isinstance(waypoint, Waypoint) self.sequence = deepcopy(sequence)
[文档] @classmethod def from_poses(cls, eef_names, poses, gripper_actions, action_noise): """ Instantiate a WaypointSequence object given a sequence of poses, gripper actions, and action noise. Args: poses (torch.Tensor): sequence of pose matrices of shape (T, 4, 4) gripper_actions (torch.Tensor): sequence of gripper actions that should be applied at each timestep of shape (T, D). action_noise (float or torch.Tensor): sequence of action noise magnitudes that should be applied at each timestep. If a single float is provided, the noise magnitude will be constant over the trajectory. """ assert isinstance(action_noise, (float, torch.Tensor)) # handle scalar to tensor conversion num_timesteps = poses.shape[0] if isinstance(action_noise, float): action_noise = action_noise * torch.ones((num_timesteps, 1), dtype=torch.float32) action_noise = action_noise.reshape(-1, 1) # make WaypointSequence instance sequence = [ Waypoint( eef_names=eef_names, pose=poses[t], gripper_action=gripper_actions[t], noise=action_noise[t, 0], ) for t in range(num_timesteps) ] return cls(sequence=sequence)
def get_poses(self): poses = [] for waypoint in self.sequence: poses.append(waypoint.pose[:2, 3]) return poses def __len__(self): # length of sequence return len(self.sequence) def __getitem__(self, ind): """ Returns waypoint at index. Returns: waypoint (Waypoint instance) """ return self.sequence[ind] def __add__(self, other): """ Defines addition (concatenation) of sequences """ return WaypointSequence(sequence=(self.sequence + other.sequence)) def __str__(self): """Prints all waypoints in the sequence.""" output = [] for idx, waypoint in enumerate(self.sequence): output.append(f"Waypoint {idx}: {waypoint}") return "\n".join(output) @property def last_waypoint(self): """ Return last waypoint in sequence. Returns: waypoint (Waypoint instance) """ return deepcopy(self.sequence[-1])
[文档] def split(self, ind): """ Splits this sequence into 2 pieces, the part up to time index @ind, and the rest. Returns 2 WaypointSequence objects. """ seq_1 = self.sequence[:ind] seq_2 = self.sequence[ind:] return WaypointSequence(sequence=seq_1), WaypointSequence(sequence=seq_2)
[文档]class WaypointTrajectory: """ A sequence of WaypointSequence objects that corresponds to a full 6-DoF trajectory. """
[文档] def __init__(self): self.waypoint_sequences = []
def __len__(self): # sum up length of all waypoint sequences return sum(len(s) for s in self.waypoint_sequences) def __getitem__(self, ind): """ Returns waypoint at time index. Returns: waypoint (Waypoint instance) """ assert len(self.waypoint_sequences) > 0 assert (ind >= 0) and (ind < len(self)) # find correct waypoint sequence we should index end_ind = 0 for seq_ind in range(len(self.waypoint_sequences)): start_ind = end_ind end_ind += len(self.waypoint_sequences[seq_ind]) if (ind >= start_ind) and (ind < end_ind): break # index within waypoint sequence return self.waypoint_sequences[seq_ind][ind - start_ind] @property def last_waypoint(self): """ Return last waypoint in sequence. Returns: waypoint (Waypoint instance) """ return self.waypoint_sequences[-1].last_waypoint def get_poses(self): poses = [] for waypoint_sequence in self.waypoint_sequences: for waypoint in waypoint_sequence: poses.append(waypoint.pose[:2, 3]) return poses
[文档] def add_waypoint_sequence(self, sequence): """ Directly append sequence to list (no interpolation). Args: sequence (WaypointSequence instance): sequence to add """ assert isinstance(sequence, WaypointSequence) self.waypoint_sequences.append(sequence)
[文档] def add_waypoint_sequence_for_target_pose( self, eef_names, pose, gripper_action, num_steps, skip_interpolation=False, action_noise=0.0, ): """ Adds a new waypoint sequence corresponding to a desired target pose. A new WaypointSequence will be constructed consisting of @num_steps intermediate Waypoint objects. These can either be constructed with linear interpolation from the last waypoint (default) or be a constant set of target poses (set @skip_interpolation to True). Args: pose (torch.Tensor): 4x4 target pose gripper_action (torch.Tensor): value for gripper action num_steps (int): number of action steps when trying to reach this waypoint. Will add intermediate linearly interpolated points between the last pose on this trajectory and the target pose, so that the total number of steps is @num_steps. skip_interpolation (bool): if True, keep the target pose fixed and repeat it @num_steps times instead of using linearly interpolated targets. action_noise (float): scale of random gaussian noise to add during action execution (e.g. when @execute is called) """ if len(self.waypoint_sequences) == 0: assert skip_interpolation, "cannot interpolate since this is the first waypoint sequence" if skip_interpolation: # repeat the target @num_steps times assert num_steps is not None poses = pose.unsqueeze(0).repeat((num_steps, 1, 1)) gripper_actions = gripper_action.unsqueeze(0).repeat((num_steps, 1)) else: # linearly interpolate between the last pose and the new waypoint last_waypoint = self.last_waypoint poses, num_steps_2 = PoseUtils.interpolate_poses( pose_1=last_waypoint.pose, pose_2=pose, num_steps=num_steps, ) assert num_steps == num_steps_2 gripper_actions = gripper_action.unsqueeze(0).repeat((num_steps + 2, 1)) # make sure to skip the first element of the new path, which already exists on the current trajectory path poses = poses[1:] gripper_actions = gripper_actions[1:] # add waypoint sequence for this set of poses sequence = WaypointSequence.from_poses( eef_names=eef_names, poses=poses, gripper_actions=gripper_actions, action_noise=action_noise, ) self.add_waypoint_sequence(sequence)
[文档] def pop_first(self): """ Removes first waypoint in first waypoint sequence and returns it. If the first waypoint sequence is now empty, it is also removed. Returns: waypoint (Waypoint instance) """ first, rest = self.waypoint_sequences[0].split(1) if len(rest) == 0: # remove empty waypoint sequence self.waypoint_sequences = self.waypoint_sequences[1:] else: # update first waypoint sequence self.waypoint_sequences[0] = rest return first
[文档] def merge( self, other, eef_names, num_steps_interp=None, num_steps_fixed=None, action_noise=0.0, ): """ Merge this trajectory with another (@other). Args: other (WaypointTrajectory object): the other trajectory to merge into this one num_steps_interp (int or None): if not None, add a waypoint sequence that interpolates between the end of the current trajectory and the start of @other num_steps_fixed (int or None): if not None, add a waypoint sequence that has constant target poses corresponding to the first target pose in @other action_noise (float): noise to use during the interpolation segment """ need_interp = (num_steps_interp is not None) and (num_steps_interp > 0) need_fixed = (num_steps_fixed is not None) and (num_steps_fixed > 0) use_interpolation_segment = need_interp or need_fixed if use_interpolation_segment: # pop first element of other trajectory other_first = other.pop_first() # Get first target pose of other trajectory. # The interpolated segment will include this first element as its last point. target_for_interpolation = other_first[0] if need_interp: # interpolation segment self.add_waypoint_sequence_for_target_pose( eef_names=eef_names, pose=target_for_interpolation.pose, gripper_action=target_for_interpolation.gripper_action, num_steps=num_steps_interp, action_noise=action_noise, skip_interpolation=False, ) if need_fixed: # segment of constant target poses equal to @other's first target pose # account for the fact that we pop'd the first element of @other in anticipation of an interpolation segment num_steps_fixed_to_use = num_steps_fixed if need_interp else (num_steps_fixed + 1) self.add_waypoint_sequence_for_target_pose( eef_names=eef_names, pose=target_for_interpolation.pose, gripper_action=target_for_interpolation.gripper_action, num_steps=num_steps_fixed_to_use, action_noise=action_noise, skip_interpolation=True, ) # make sure to preserve noise from first element of other trajectory self.waypoint_sequences[-1][-1].noise = target_for_interpolation.noise # concatenate the trajectories self.waypoint_sequences += other.waypoint_sequences
[文档] async def execute( self, env, env_id, success_term, env_action_queue: asyncio.Queue | None = None, ): """ Main function to execute the trajectory. Will use env_interface.target_eef_pose_to_action to convert each target pose at each waypoint to an action command, and pass that along to env.step. Args: env (Isaac Lab ManagerBasedEnv instance): environment to use for executing trajectory env_id (int): environment index success_term: success term to check if the task is successful env_action_queue (asyncio.Queue): queue for sending actions to the environment Returns: results (dict): dictionary with the following items for the executed trajectory: states (list): simulator state at each timestep observations (list): observation dictionary at each timestep datagen_infos (list): datagen_info at each timestep actions (list): action executed at each timestep success (bool): whether the trajectory successfully solved the task or not """ states = [] actions = [] observations = [] success = False # iterate over waypoint sequences for seq in self.waypoint_sequences: # iterate over waypoints in each sequence for j in range(len(seq)): # current waypoint waypoint = seq[j] # current state and observation obs = env.obs_buf state = env.scene.get_state(is_relative=True) # convert target pose and gripper action to env action target_eef_pose_dict = {waypoint.eef_names[0]: waypoint.pose} gripper_action_dict = {waypoint.eef_names[0]: waypoint.gripper_action} play_action = env.target_eef_pose_to_action( target_eef_pose_dict=target_eef_pose_dict, gripper_action_dict=gripper_action_dict, noise=waypoint.noise, env_id=env_id, ) # step environment if not isinstance(play_action, torch.Tensor): play_action = torch.tensor(play_action) if play_action.dim() == 1 and play_action.size(0) == 7: play_action = play_action.unsqueeze(0) # Reshape to [1, 7] if env_action_queue is None: obs, _, _, _, _ = env.step(play_action) else: await env_action_queue.put((env_id, play_action[0])) await env_action_queue.join() obs = env.obs_buf # collect data states.append(state) actions.append(play_action) observations.append(obs) cur_success_metric = bool(success_term.func(env, **success_term.params)[env_id]) # If the task success metric is True once during the execution, then the task is considered successful success = success or cur_success_metric results = dict( states=states, observations=observations, actions=torch.stack(actions), success=success, ) return results