使用Isaac Sim二进制安装#


如果使用 Conda,我们建议使用 Miniconda

安装Isaac Sim#


请按照Isaac Sim documentation 的说明安装最新的Isaac Sim版本。

要检查最低系统要求,请参考 这个文档


我们已经在Ubuntu 20.04LTS上测试了Isaac Sim 4.1版本与NVIDIA驱动525.147的兼容性。

在Linux系统上,默认情况下,Isaac Sim安装在目录 ${HOME}/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-* 中, * 对应于Isaac Sim的版本。

在Windows系统上,默认情况下,Isaac Sim安装在目录 %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\isaac_sim-* 中, * 对应Isaac Sim版本。

验证 Isaac Sim 安装#

为避免每次都要找到并定位 Isaac Sim 安装目录的开销,我们建议为剩下的安装指南将以下环境变量导出到您的终端:

# Isaac Sim root directory
export ISAACSIM_PATH="${HOME}/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0"
# Isaac Sim python executable
:: Isaac Sim root directory
set ISAACSIM_PATH="%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\isaac-sim-4.2.0"
:: Isaac Sim python executable

请按照Isaac Sim 文档 的说明安装最新的Isaac Sim版本。

  • 检查模拟器是否正常运行:

    # note: you can pass the argument "--help" to see all arguments possible.
    :: note: you can pass the argument "--help" to see all arguments possible.
  • 检查模拟器是否可以从独立的 python 脚本中运行:

    # checks that python path is set correctly
    ${ISAACSIM_PYTHON_EXE} -c "print('Isaac Sim configuration is now complete.')"
    # checks that Isaac Sim can be launched from python
    ${ISAACSIM_PYTHON_EXE} ${ISAACSIM_PATH}/standalone_examples/api/omni.isaac.core/add_cubes.py
    :: checks that python path is set correctly
    %ISAACSIM_PYTHON_EXE% -c "print('Isaac Sim configuration is now complete.')"
    :: checks that Isaac Sim can be launched from python
    %ISAACSIM_PYTHON_EXE% %ISAACSIM_PATH%\standalone_examples\api\omni.isaac.core\add_cubes.py


如果您之前使用过 Isaac Sim 的旧版本,您需要在安装后 第一次 运行以下命令,以删除所有旧用户数据和缓存变量:

${ISAACSIM_PATH}/isaac-sim.sh --reset-user
%ISAACSIM_PATH%\isaac-sim.bat --reset-user

如果按照上述说明模拟器无法运行或崩溃,意味着某些配置不正确。要调试和故障排除,请查看 Isaac Sim 文档论坛

安装Isaac Lab#

克隆Isaac Lab#


我们建议制作 fork 以便贡献到该项目,但这并不是使用该框架的必要条件。如果您制作了一个fork,请用你的用户名替换以下的 isaac-sim

将Isaac Lab库克隆到你的工作空间:

git clone git@github.com:isaac-sim/IsaacLab.git
git clone https://github.com/isaac-sim/IsaacLab.git


我们提供了一个辅助可执行文件 isaaclab.sh 用来管理扩展:

./isaaclab.sh --help

usage: isaaclab.sh [-h] [-i] [-f] [-p] [-s] [-t] [-o] [-v] [-d] [-c] -- Utility to manage Isaac Lab.

optional arguments:
   -h, --help           Display the help content.
   -i, --install [LIB]  Install the extensions inside Isaac Lab and learning frameworks (rl-games, rsl-rl, sb3, skrl) as extra dependencies. Default is 'all'.
   -f, --format         Run pre-commit to format the code and check lints.
   -p, --python         Run the python executable provided by Isaac Sim or virtual environment (if active).
   -s, --sim            Run the simulator executable (isaac-sim.sh) provided by Isaac Sim.
   -t, --test           Run all python unittest tests.
   -o, --docker         Run the docker container helper script (docker/container.sh).
   -v, --vscode         Generate the VSCode settings file from template.
   -d, --docs           Build the documentation from source using sphinx.
   -c, --conda [NAME]   Create the conda environment for Isaac Lab. Default name is 'isaaclab'.
isaaclab.bat --help

usage: isaaclab.bat [-h] [-i] [-f] [-p] [-s] [-v] [-d] [-c] -- Utility to manage Isaac Lab.

optional arguments:
   -h, --help           Display the help content.
   -i, --install [LIB]  Install the extensions inside Isaac Lab and learning frameworks (rl-games, rsl-rl, sb3, skrl) as extra dependencies. Default is 'all'.
   -f, --format         Run pre-commit to format the code and check lints.
   -p, --python         Run the python executable provided by Isaac Sim or virtual environment (if active).
   -s, --sim            Run the simulator executable (isaac-sim.bat) provided by Isaac Sim.
   -t, --test           Run all python unittest tests.
   -v, --vscode         Generate the VSCode settings file from template.
   -d, --docs           Build the documentation from source using sphinx.
   -c, --conda [NAME]   Create the conda environment for Isaac Lab. Default name is 'isaaclab'.



此步骤是可选的。如果您使用Isaac Sim捆绑的Python,可以跳过此步骤。

可执行文件 isaaclab.sh 会自动获取与Isaac Sim捆绑的Python,使用 ./isaaclab.sh -p 命令(除非在虚拟环境中)。这个可执行文件的行为类似于Python可执行文件,可用于运行任何带有模拟器的Python脚本或模块。有关更多信息,请参考 文档

虽然使用虚拟环境是可选的,但我们建议使用 conda 。要安装 conda ,请按照下面的说明进行操作 here 。如果您使用 conda 来创建虚拟环境,可以使用以下命令:

# Option 1: Default name for conda environment is 'isaaclab'
./isaaclab.sh --conda  # or "./isaaclab.sh -c"
# Option 2: Custom name for conda environment
./isaaclab.sh --conda my_env  # or "./isaaclab.sh -c my_env"
:: Option 1: Default name for conda environment is 'isaaclab'
isaaclab.bat --conda  :: or "isaaclab.bat -c"
:: Option 2: Custom name for conda environment
isaaclab.bat --conda my_env  :: or "isaaclab.bat -c my_env"

如果您使用 conda 创建虚拟环境,请确保在运行脚本之前激活该环境。举个例子:

conda activate isaaclab  # or "conda activate my_env"

一旦您进入虚拟环境,您就不需要使用 ./isaaclab.sh -p / isaaclab.bat -p 来运行Python脚本。您可以使用环境中的默认Python可执行文件,即通过运行 pythonpython3 。不过,在接下来的文档中,我们将假设您使用 ./isaaclab.sh -p / isaaclab.bat -p 来运行Python脚本。这条命令相当于在您的虚拟环境中运行 pythonpython3


  • 使用 apt 来安装依赖(仅适用于Linux):

    # these dependency are needed by robomimic which is not available on Windows
    sudo apt install cmake build-essential
  • 运行安装命令,遍历 source/extensions 目录中的所有扩展,同时使用带有 --editable 标志的pip进行安装:

./isaaclab.sh --install # or "./isaaclab.sh -i"
isaaclab.bat --install :: or "isaaclab.bat -i"


上述代码将按默认设置安装所有学习框架。如果您想只安装特定框架,可以将框架的名称作为参数传递。例如,为了只安装 rl_games 框架,您可以运行

./isaaclab.sh --install rl_games  # or "./isaaclab.sh -i rl_games"
isaaclab.bat --install rl_games :: or "isaaclab.bat -i rl_games"

有效选项有 rl_gamesrsl_rlsb3skrlrobomimicnone

验证 Isaac Lab 安装#


# Option 1: Using the isaaclab.sh executable
# note: this works for both the bundled python and the virtual environment
./isaaclab.sh -p source/standalone/tutorials/00_sim/create_empty.py

# Option 2: Using python in your virtual environment
python source/standalone/tutorials/00_sim/create_empty.py
:: Option 1: Using the isaaclab.bat executable
:: note: this works for both the bundled python and the virtual environment
isaaclab.bat -p source\standalone\tutorials\00_sim\create_empty.py

:: Option 2: Using python in your virtual environment
python source\standalone\tutorials\00_sim\create_empty.py

上述命令应该启动模拟器,并显示具有黑色视口的窗口。您可以通过在终端上按 Ctrl+C 来退出脚本。在 Windows 机器上,请使用命令提示符从 Ctrl+BreakCtrl+fn+B 终止进程。


如果您看到这个,那么安装成功了! 🎉