Omniverse包括工具来记录物理模拟的动画。 Stage Recorder 扩展监听USD阶段中的所有运动和USD属性变化,并将它们记录到USD文件中。该文件包含更改的时间样本,可以回放以渲染动画。
timeSampled USD文件只包含阶段的更改。它使用录制时原始阶段相同的层次结构。这允许将动画添加到原始阶段,或者添加到具有相同层次结构的不同阶段。timeSampled文件可以直接添加为原始阶段的子层,以回放动画。
在Isaac Lab中,我们直接使用 Stage Recorder 扩展来记录物理模拟的动画。这作为 BaseEnvWindow
类的一个功能可用。但是,要记录模拟的动画,需要禁用 Fabric 以允许读取和写入所有更改(如运动和USD属性)到USD阶段。
Stage Recorder设置#
Isaac Lab集成了 Stage Recorder 扩展,假设了某些默认设置。如果要更改设置,可以直接在Omniverse Create应用程序中使用 Stage Recorder 扩展。
1 def _toggle_recording_animation_fn(self, value: bool):
2 """Toggles the animation recording."""
3 if value:
4 # log directory to save the recording
5 if not hasattr(self, "animation_log_dir"):
6 # create a new log directory
7 log_dir = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
8 self.animation_log_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "recordings", log_dir)
9 # start the recording
10 _ = omni.kit.commands.execute(
11 "StartRecording",
12 target_paths=[("/World", True)],
13 live_mode=True,
14 use_frame_range=False,
15 start_frame=0,
16 end_frame=0,
17 use_preroll=False,
18 preroll_frame=0,
19 record_to="FILE",
20 fps=0,
21 apply_root_anim=False,
22 increment_name=True,
23 record_folder=self.animation_log_dir,
24 take_name="TimeSample",
25 )
26 else:
27 # stop the recording
28 _ = omni.kit.commands.execute("StopRecording")
29 # save the current stage
30 stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage()
31 source_layer = stage.GetRootLayer()
32 # output the stage to a file
33 stage_usd_path = os.path.join(self.animation_log_dir, "Stage.usd")
34 source_prim_path = "/"
35 # creates empty anon layer
36 temp_layer = Sdf.Find(stage_usd_path)
37 if temp_layer is None:
38 temp_layer = Sdf.Layer.CreateNew(stage_usd_path)
39 temp_stage = Usd.Stage.Open(temp_layer)
40 # update stage data
41 UsdGeom.SetStageUpAxis(temp_stage, UsdGeom.GetStageUpAxis(stage))
42 UsdGeom.SetStageMetersPerUnit(temp_stage, UsdGeom.GetStageMetersPerUnit(stage))
43 # copy the prim
44 Sdf.CreatePrimInLayer(temp_layer, source_prim_path)
45 Sdf.CopySpec(source_layer, source_prim_path, temp_layer, source_prim_path)
46 # set the default prim
47 temp_layer.defaultPrim = Sdf.Path(source_prim_path).name
48 # remove all physics from the stage
49 for prim in temp_stage.TraverseAll():
50 # skip if the prim is an instance
51 if prim.IsInstanceable():
52 continue
53 # if prim has articulation then disable it
54 if prim.HasAPI(UsdPhysics.ArticulationRootAPI):
55 prim.RemoveAPI(UsdPhysics.ArticulationRootAPI)
56 prim.RemoveAPI(PhysxSchema.PhysxArticulationAPI)
57 # if prim has rigid body then disable it
58 if prim.HasAPI(UsdPhysics.RigidBodyAPI):
59 prim.RemoveAPI(UsdPhysics.RigidBodyAPI)
60 prim.RemoveAPI(PhysxSchema.PhysxRigidBodyAPI)
61 # if prim is a joint type then disable it
62 if prim.IsA(UsdPhysics.Joint):
63 prim.GetAttribute("physics:jointEnabled").Set(False)
64 # resolve all paths relative to layer path
65 omni.usd.resolve_paths(source_layer.identifier, temp_layer.identifier)
66 # save the stage
67 temp_layer.Save()
68 # print the path to the saved stage
69 print("Recording completed.")
70 print(f"\tSaved recorded stage to : {stage_usd_path}")
71 print(f"\tSaved recorded animation to: {os.path.join(self.animation_log_dir, 'TimeSample_tk001.usd')}")
72 print("\nTo play the animation, check the instructions in the following link:")
73 print(
74 "\thttps://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/extensions/latest/ext_animation_stage-recorder.html#using-the-captured-timesamples"
75 )
76 print("\n")
77 # reset the log directory
78 self.animation_log_dir = None
在所有环境独立脚本中,可以通过将 --disable_fabric
./isaaclab.sh -p scripts/environments/state_machine/lift_cube_sm.py --num_envs 8 --device cpu --disable_fabric
运行脚本时,Isaac Lab UI窗口将打开,并在工具栏中显示”Record Animation”按钮。单击此按钮将开始记录模拟的动画。再次单击按钮,录制停止。记录的动画和原始阶段(所有物理均已禁用)将保存在当前工作目录的 recordings
文件夹中。文件以 usd
: 所有物理已禁用的原始阶段TimeSample_tk001.usd
: 包含记录的动画的timeSampled文件
您可以打开Omniverse Isaac Sim应用程序来回放动画。有许多启动应用程序的方法(比如从终端或 Omniverse Launcher )。在这里,我们使用终端来打开应用程序并播放动画。
./isaaclab.sh -s # Opens Isaac Sim application through _isaac_sim/isaac-sim.sh
在新阶段上,将 Stage.usd
添加为子层,然后将 TimeSample_tk001.usd
添加为子层。您可以通过将文件从文件资源管理器拖放到场景中来执行此操作。有关更多详细信息,请查阅 Omniverse中的分层教程 。