omni.isaac.lab.terrains.trimesh.mesh_terrains_cfg 源代码

# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from dataclasses import MISSING
from typing import Literal

import omni.isaac.lab.terrains.trimesh.mesh_terrains as mesh_terrains
import omni.isaac.lab.terrains.trimesh.utils as mesh_utils_terrains
from omni.isaac.lab.utils import configclass

from ..terrain_generator_cfg import SubTerrainBaseCfg

Different trimesh terrain configurations.

[文档]@configclass class MeshPlaneTerrainCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a plane mesh terrain.""" function = mesh_terrains.flat_terrain
[文档]@configclass class MeshPyramidStairsTerrainCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a pyramid stair mesh terrain.""" function = mesh_terrains.pyramid_stairs_terrain border_width: float = 0.0 """The width of the border around the terrain (in m). Defaults to 0.0. The border is a flat terrain with the same height as the terrain. """ step_height_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum height of the steps (in m).""" step_width: float = MISSING """The width of the steps (in m).""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0.""" holes: bool = False """If True, the terrain will have holes in the steps. Defaults to False. If :obj:`holes` is True, the terrain will have pyramid stairs of length or width :obj:`platform_width` (depending on the direction) with no steps in the remaining area. Additionally, no border will be added. """
[文档]@configclass class MeshInvertedPyramidStairsTerrainCfg(MeshPyramidStairsTerrainCfg): """Configuration for an inverted pyramid stair mesh terrain. Note: This is the same as :class:`MeshPyramidStairsTerrainCfg` except that the steps are inverted. """ function = mesh_terrains.inverted_pyramid_stairs_terrain
[文档]@configclass class MeshRandomGridTerrainCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a random grid mesh terrain.""" function = mesh_terrains.random_grid_terrain grid_width: float = MISSING """The width of the grid cells (in m).""" grid_height_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum height of the grid cells (in m).""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0.""" holes: bool = False """If True, the terrain will have holes in the steps. Defaults to False. If :obj:`holes` is True, the terrain will have randomized grid cells only along the plane extending from the platform (like a plus sign). The remaining area remains empty and no border will be added. """
[文档]@configclass class MeshRailsTerrainCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a terrain with box rails as extrusions.""" function = mesh_terrains.rails_terrain rail_thickness_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The thickness of the inner and outer rails (in m).""" rail_height_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum height of the rails (in m).""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0."""
[文档]@configclass class MeshPitTerrainCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a terrain with a pit that leads out of the pit.""" function = mesh_terrains.pit_terrain pit_depth_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum height of the pit (in m).""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0.""" double_pit: bool = False """If True, the pit contains two levels of stairs. Defaults to False."""
[文档]@configclass class MeshBoxTerrainCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a terrain with boxes (similar to a pyramid).""" function = mesh_terrains.box_terrain box_height_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum height of the box (in m).""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0.""" double_box: bool = False """If True, the pit contains two levels of stairs/boxes. Defaults to False."""
[文档]@configclass class MeshGapTerrainCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a terrain with a gap around the platform.""" function = mesh_terrains.gap_terrain gap_width_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum width of the gap (in m).""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0."""
[文档]@configclass class MeshFloatingRingTerrainCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a terrain with a floating ring around the center.""" function = mesh_terrains.floating_ring_terrain ring_width_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum width of the ring (in m).""" ring_height_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum height of the ring (in m).""" ring_thickness: float = MISSING """The thickness (along z) of the ring (in m).""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the square platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0."""
[文档]@configclass class MeshStarTerrainCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """Configuration for a terrain with a star pattern.""" function = mesh_terrains.star_terrain num_bars: int = MISSING """The number of bars per-side the star. Must be greater than 2.""" bar_width_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum width of the bars in the star (in m).""" bar_height_range: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The minimum and maximum height of the bars in the star (in m).""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the cylindrical platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0."""
[文档]@configclass class MeshRepeatedObjectsTerrainCfg(SubTerrainBaseCfg): """Base configuration for a terrain with repeated objects."""
[文档] @configclass class ObjectCfg: """Configuration of repeated objects.""" num_objects: int = MISSING """The number of objects to add to the terrain.""" height: float = MISSING """The height (along z) of the object (in m)."""
function = mesh_terrains.repeated_objects_terrain object_type: Literal["cylinder", "box", "cone"] | callable = MISSING """The type of object to generate. The type can be a string or a callable. If it is a string, the function will look for a function called ``make_{object_type}`` in the current module scope. If it is a callable, the function will use the callable to generate the object. """ object_params_start: ObjectCfg = MISSING """The object curriculum parameters at the start of the curriculum.""" object_params_end: ObjectCfg = MISSING """The object curriculum parameters at the end of the curriculum.""" max_height_noise: float = 0.0 """The maximum amount of noise to add to the height of the objects (in m). Defaults to 0.0.""" platform_width: float = 1.0 """The width of the cylindrical platform at the center of the terrain. Defaults to 1.0."""
[文档]@configclass class MeshRepeatedPyramidsTerrainCfg(MeshRepeatedObjectsTerrainCfg): """Configuration for a terrain with repeated pyramids."""
[文档] @configclass class ObjectCfg(MeshRepeatedObjectsTerrainCfg.ObjectCfg): """Configuration for a curriculum of repeated pyramids.""" radius: float = MISSING """The radius of the pyramids (in m).""" max_yx_angle: float = 0.0 """The maximum angle along the y and x axis. Defaults to 0.0.""" degrees: bool = True """Whether the angle is in degrees. Defaults to True."""
object_type = mesh_utils_terrains.make_cone object_params_start: ObjectCfg = MISSING """The object curriculum parameters at the start of the curriculum.""" object_params_end: ObjectCfg = MISSING """The object curriculum parameters at the end of the curriculum."""
[文档]@configclass class MeshRepeatedBoxesTerrainCfg(MeshRepeatedObjectsTerrainCfg): """Configuration for a terrain with repeated boxes."""
[文档] @configclass class ObjectCfg(MeshRepeatedObjectsTerrainCfg.ObjectCfg): """Configuration for repeated boxes.""" size: tuple[float, float] = MISSING """The width (along x) and length (along y) of the box (in m).""" max_yx_angle: float = 0.0 """The maximum angle along the y and x axis. Defaults to 0.0.""" degrees: bool = True """Whether the angle is in degrees. Defaults to True."""
object_type = mesh_utils_terrains.make_box object_params_start: ObjectCfg = MISSING """The box curriculum parameters at the start of the curriculum.""" object_params_end: ObjectCfg = MISSING """The box curriculum parameters at the end of the curriculum."""
[文档]@configclass class MeshRepeatedCylindersTerrainCfg(MeshRepeatedObjectsTerrainCfg): """Configuration for a terrain with repeated cylinders."""
[文档] @configclass class ObjectCfg(MeshRepeatedObjectsTerrainCfg.ObjectCfg): """Configuration for repeated cylinder.""" radius: float = MISSING """The radius of the pyramids (in m).""" max_yx_angle: float = 0.0 """The maximum angle along the y and x axis. Defaults to 0.0.""" degrees: bool = True """Whether the angle is in degrees. Defaults to True."""
object_type = mesh_utils_terrains.make_cylinder object_params_start: ObjectCfg = MISSING """The box curriculum parameters at the start of the curriculum.""" object_params_end: ObjectCfg = MISSING """The box curriculum parameters at the end of the curriculum."""