omni.isaac.lab.sim.spawners.shapes.shapes_cfg 源代码

# Copyright (c) 2022-2025, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from import Callable
from dataclasses import MISSING
from typing import Literal

from omni.isaac.lab.sim.spawners import materials
from omni.isaac.lab.sim.spawners.spawner_cfg import RigidObjectSpawnerCfg
from omni.isaac.lab.utils import configclass

from . import shapes

[文档]@configclass class ShapeCfg(RigidObjectSpawnerCfg): """Configuration parameters for a USD Geometry or Geom prim.""" visual_material_path: str = "material" """Path to the visual material to use for the prim. Defaults to "material". If the path is relative, then it will be relative to the prim's path. This parameter is ignored if `visual_material` is not None. """ visual_material: materials.VisualMaterialCfg | None = None """Visual material properties. Note: If None, then no visual material will be added. """ physics_material_path: str = "material" """Path to the physics material to use for the prim. Defaults to "material". If the path is relative, then it will be relative to the prim's path. This parameter is ignored if `physics_material` is not None. """ physics_material: materials.PhysicsMaterialCfg | None = None """Physics material properties. Note: If None, then no physics material will be added. """
[文档]@configclass class SphereCfg(ShapeCfg): """Configuration parameters for a sphere prim. See :meth:`spawn_sphere` for more information. """ func: Callable = shapes.spawn_sphere radius: float = MISSING """Radius of the sphere (in m)."""
[文档]@configclass class CuboidCfg(ShapeCfg): """Configuration parameters for a cuboid prim. See :meth:`spawn_cuboid` for more information. """ func: Callable = shapes.spawn_cuboid size: tuple[float, float, float] = MISSING """Size of the cuboid."""
[文档]@configclass class CylinderCfg(ShapeCfg): """Configuration parameters for a cylinder prim. See :meth:`spawn_cylinder` for more information. """ func: Callable = shapes.spawn_cylinder radius: float = MISSING """Radius of the cylinder (in m).""" height: float = MISSING """Height of the cylinder (in m).""" axis: Literal["X", "Y", "Z"] = "Z" """Axis of the cylinder. Defaults to "Z"."""
[文档]@configclass class CapsuleCfg(ShapeCfg): """Configuration parameters for a capsule prim. See :meth:`spawn_capsule` for more information. """ func: Callable = shapes.spawn_capsule radius: float = MISSING """Radius of the capsule (in m).""" height: float = MISSING """Height of the capsule (in m).""" axis: Literal["X", "Y", "Z"] = "Z" """Axis of the capsule. Defaults to "Z"."""
[文档]@configclass class ConeCfg(ShapeCfg): """Configuration parameters for a cone prim. See :meth:`spawn_cone` for more information. """ func: Callable = shapes.spawn_cone radius: float = MISSING """Radius of the cone (in m).""" height: float = MISSING """Height of the v (in m).""" axis: Literal["X", "Y", "Z"] = "Z" """Axis of the cone. Defaults to "Z"."""