omni.isaac.lab.envs.mdp.observations 源代码

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024, The Isaac Lab Project Developers.
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

"""Common functions that can be used to create observation terms.

The functions can be passed to the :class:`omni.isaac.lab.managers.ObservationTermCfg` object to enable
the observation introduced by the function.

from __future__ import annotations

import torch
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import omni.isaac.lab.utils.math as math_utils
from omni.isaac.lab.assets import Articulation, RigidObject
from omni.isaac.lab.managers import SceneEntityCfg
from omni.isaac.lab.sensors import RayCaster

    from omni.isaac.lab.envs import ManagerBasedEnv, ManagerBasedRLEnv

Root state.

[文档]def base_pos_z(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")) -> torch.Tensor: """Root height in the simulation world frame.""" # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: Articulation = env.scene[] return[:, 2].unsqueeze(-1)
[文档]def base_lin_vel(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")) -> torch.Tensor: """Root linear velocity in the asset's root frame.""" # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: RigidObject = env.scene[] return
[文档]def base_ang_vel(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")) -> torch.Tensor: """Root angular velocity in the asset's root frame.""" # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: RigidObject = env.scene[] return
[文档]def projected_gravity(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")) -> torch.Tensor: """Gravity projection on the asset's root frame.""" # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: RigidObject = env.scene[] return
[文档]def root_pos_w(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")) -> torch.Tensor: """Asset root position in the environment frame.""" # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: RigidObject = env.scene[] return - env.scene.env_origins
[文档]def root_quat_w( env: ManagerBasedEnv, make_quat_unique: bool = False, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot") ) -> torch.Tensor: """Asset root orientation (w, x, y, z) in the environment frame. If :attr:`make_quat_unique` is True, then returned quaternion is made unique by ensuring the quaternion has non-negative real component. This is because both ``q`` and ``-q`` represent the same orientation. """ # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: RigidObject = env.scene[] quat = # make the quaternion real-part positive if configured return math_utils.quat_unique(quat) if make_quat_unique else quat
[文档]def root_lin_vel_w(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")) -> torch.Tensor: """Asset root linear velocity in the environment frame.""" # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: RigidObject = env.scene[] return
[文档]def root_ang_vel_w(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")) -> torch.Tensor: """Asset root angular velocity in the environment frame.""" # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: RigidObject = env.scene[] return
""" Joint state. """
[文档]def joint_pos(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")) -> torch.Tensor: """The joint positions of the asset. Note: Only the joints configured in :attr:`asset_cfg.joint_ids` will have their positions returned. """ # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: Articulation = env.scene[] return[:, asset_cfg.joint_ids]
[文档]def joint_pos_rel(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")) -> torch.Tensor: """The joint positions of the asset w.r.t. the default joint positions. Note: Only the joints configured in :attr:`asset_cfg.joint_ids` will have their positions returned. """ # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: Articulation = env.scene[] return[:, asset_cfg.joint_ids] -[:, asset_cfg.joint_ids]
[文档]def joint_pos_limit_normalized( env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot") ) -> torch.Tensor: """The joint positions of the asset normalized with the asset's joint limits. Note: Only the joints configured in :attr:`asset_cfg.joint_ids` will have their normalized positions returned. """ # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: Articulation = env.scene[] return math_utils.scale_transform([:, asset_cfg.joint_ids],[:, asset_cfg.joint_ids, 0],[:, asset_cfg.joint_ids, 1], )
[文档]def joint_vel(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")): """The joint velocities of the asset. Note: Only the joints configured in :attr:`asset_cfg.joint_ids` will have their velocities returned. """ # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: Articulation = env.scene[] return[:, asset_cfg.joint_ids]
[文档]def joint_vel_rel(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg = SceneEntityCfg("robot")): """The joint velocities of the asset w.r.t. the default joint velocities. Note: Only the joints configured in :attr:`asset_cfg.joint_ids` will have their velocities returned. """ # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: Articulation = env.scene[] return[:, asset_cfg.joint_ids] -[:, asset_cfg.joint_ids]
""" Sensors. """
[文档]def height_scan(env: ManagerBasedEnv, sensor_cfg: SceneEntityCfg, offset: float = 0.5) -> torch.Tensor: """Height scan from the given sensor w.r.t. the sensor's frame. The provided offset (Defaults to 0.5) is subtracted from the returned values. """ # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) sensor: RayCaster = env.scene.sensors[] # height scan: height = sensor_height - hit_point_z - offset return[:, 2].unsqueeze(1) -[..., 2] - offset
[文档]def body_incoming_wrench(env: ManagerBasedEnv, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg) -> torch.Tensor: """Incoming spatial wrench on bodies of an articulation in the simulation world frame. This is the 6-D wrench (force and torque) applied to the body link by the incoming joint force. """ # extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting) asset: Articulation = env.scene[] # obtain the link incoming forces in world frame link_incoming_forces = asset.root_physx_view.get_link_incoming_joint_force()[:, asset_cfg.body_ids] return link_incoming_forces.view(env.num_envs, -1)
""" Actions. """
[文档]def last_action(env: ManagerBasedEnv, action_name: str | None = None) -> torch.Tensor: """The last input action to the environment. The name of the action term for which the action is required. If None, the entire action tensor is returned. """ if action_name is None: return env.action_manager.action else: return env.action_manager.get_term(action_name).raw_actions
""" Commands. """
[文档]def generated_commands(env: ManagerBasedRLEnv, command_name: str) -> torch.Tensor: """The generated command from command term in the command manager with the given name.""" return env.command_manager.get_command(command_name)