Environment Assets#

Simple Grid#

This simple environment contains a flat ground and sides with a grid texture. Three configurations are provided; the first two have square corners, the third has curved corners.

Square Grid Room

search default_environment.usd in the asset browser or using the create menu: Create>Environments>Flat Grid#

Flat Grid.

Square Grid Room

search gridroom_black.usd in the asset browser or using the create menu: Create>Environments>Black Grid#

Black Grid.

Curved Grid Room

search gridroom_curved.usd in the asset browser#

Curved Grid.

Simple Room#

A simple room containing a table.

Simple Room

search simple_room.usd in the asset browser or using the create menu: Create>Environments>Simple Room#


A warehouse environment with shelving and objects that can be placed on them. Four configurations are provided:

Simple Warehouse

search warehouse.usd in the asset browser.#

A small warehouse with a single shelf.

Simple Warehouse

search warehouse_with_forklifts.usd in the asset browser.#

A small warehouse with a single shelf and forklifts.

Small warehouse multiple shelves

search warehouse_multiple_shelves.usd in the asset browser.#

A small warehouse with multiple shelves.

Full Warehouse

search full_warehouse.usd in the asset browser.#

A full-sized warehouse with shelves, obstacles on the floors, and forklifts.


A hospital environment, with multiple rooms and spaces.


Search hospital.usd in the asset browser.#


An Office Environment, with multiple rooms and an open plan floor.


Search office.usd in the asset browser.#

JetRacer Track#

A jetracer track outlined on the ground plane.

JetRacer Track

Search jetracer_track_solid.usd in the asset browser.#

Small Warehouse Digital Twin#

A digital twin of a small warehouse, it can be created using

small warehouse digital twin

Search small_warehouse_digital_twin.usd in the asset browser.#