
验证Isaac Sim安装#

通过pip安装了Isaac Sim#

  • 确保您的虚拟环境已激活(如果适用)

  • 检查模拟器是否按预期运行:

    # note: you can pass the argument "--help" to see all arguments possible.


  • 要使用特定体验文件运行:

    # experience files can be absolute path, or relative path searched in isaacsim/apps or omni/apps
    isaacsim omni.isaac.sim.python.kit


第一次运行Isaac Sim时,将从注册表中提取所有依赖扩展。此过程可能需要长达10分钟,并且在每个体验文件的首次运行时是必需的。扩展被提取后,使用相同的体验文件进行连续运行将使用缓存的扩展。

此外,第一次运行将提示用户接受Nvidia Omniverse许可协议。要接受EULA,请在下面的消息提示时回复 Yes

By installing or using Isaac Sim, I agree to the terms of NVIDIA OMNIVERSE LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA)
in https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/isaacsim/latest/common/NVIDIA_Omniverse_License_Agreement.html

Do you accept the EULA? (Yes/No): Yes

如果在按上述说明运行模拟器时模拟器无法运行或崩溃,则意味着某些配置不正确。要进行调试和故障排除,请查看Isaac Sim 文档论坛

通过二进制安装了Isaac Sim#

为了避免每次查找和定位Isaac Sim安装目录的开销,我们建议将以下环境变量导出到您的终端,以完成剩余的安装说明:

# Isaac Sim root directory
export ISAACSIM_PATH="${HOME}/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-4.1.0"
# Isaac Sim python executable
:: Isaac Sim root directory
set ISAACSIM_PATH="C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ov\pkg\isaac-sim-4.1.0"
:: Isaac Sim python executable

有关常见路径的更多信息,请查看Isaac Sim 文档

  • 检查模拟器是否按预期运行:

    # note: you can pass the argument "--help" to see all arguments possible.
    :: note: you can pass the argument "--help" to see all arguments possible.
  • 检查模拟器是否可以从独立的python脚本运行:

    # checks that python path is set correctly
    ${ISAACSIM_PYTHON_EXE} -c "print('Isaac Sim configuration is now complete.')"
    # checks that Isaac Sim can be launched from python
    ${ISAACSIM_PYTHON_EXE} ${ISAACSIM_PATH}/standalone_examples/api/omni.isaac.core/add_cubes.py
    :: checks that python path is set correctly
    %ISAACSIM_PYTHON_EXE% -c "print('Isaac Sim configuration is now complete.')"
    :: checks that Isaac Sim can be launched from python
    %ISAACSIM_PYTHON_EXE% %ISAACSIM_PATH%\standalone_examples\api\omni.isaac.core\add_cubes.py


如果您之前使用过Isaac Sim的旧版本,则需要在安装后 第一次 运行以下命令,以删除所有旧用户数据和缓存变量:

${ISAACSIM_PATH}/isaac-sim.sh --reset-user
%ISAACSIM_PATH%\isaac-sim.bat --reset-user

如果在按上述说明运行模拟器时模拟器无法运行或崩溃,则意味着某些配置不正确。要进行调试和故障排除,请查看Isaac Sim 文档论坛

验证Isaac Lab安装#


# Option 1: Using the isaaclab.sh executable
# note: this works for both the bundled python and the virtual environment
./isaaclab.sh -p source/standalone/tutorials/00_sim/create_empty.py

# Option 2: Using python in your virtual environment
python source/standalone/tutorials/00_sim/create_empty.py
:: Option 1: Using the isaaclab.bat executable
:: note: this works for both the bundled python and the virtual environment
isaaclab.bat -p source\standalone\tutorials\00_sim\create_empty.py

:: Option 2: Using python in your virtual environment
python source\standalone\tutorials\00_sim\create_empty.py

上述命令应该启动模拟器,并显示一个带有黑色地面平面的窗口。您可以通过在终端上按 Ctrl+C 来退出脚本。在Windows机器上,请使用 Ctrl+BreakCtrl+fn+B 在命令提示符中终止进程。

如果您看到这个,那么安装成功了! 🎉